Thaddeus inchoate

I woke up one day in 95’ and drove down to Pearls in Ft Lauderdale Florida and bought $500 worth of oil paint and brushes and raw canvas.

I started painting scenes derived from images I saw in Scientific American magazine, classic gray aliens, and ethereal beings. I came across an article about Dictyostelium and I started to obsess with it. In 2015 I was booked to show at Jump the Shark: Formerly the Bubble entitled “The Dictyostelium Show”.

It’s a kinda blur after that. I hope you enjoy.

Available Work

Dictyostelium is all around us. They are a genus of single- and multi-celled eukaryotic, phagotrophic bacterivores. Though they are Protista and in no way fungal, they traditionally are known as “slime molds”. They are present in most terrestrial ecosystems as a normal and often abundant component of the soil microflora, and play an important role in the maintenance of balanced bacterial populations in soils.

They live in the dirt.

It is right outside your front door at this moment.

In the larger scale of the multiverse, Dictyostelium is an ultimate source of power. We should consider ourselves lucky that in our universe Dictyostelium is minute and impotent, except to the microbes they eat and the knowledge of the human genome that they assisted us in mapping. In most Universes this is not the case, and like all things of great power they became revered, worshiped, and crusaded for.

Enter the Fanatics.

Entire species are distilled into Fanatics.

Beings whose only desire, function, and mode is to spread the Dictyostelium and create new fanatics. The Fanatics are ethereal beings and wear robes to interact with corporeal beings. Traveling in Dictyostelium Powered Interdimensional ships the Fanatics travel the multiverse farming the Dictyostelium. They also have a passion for tourism. Never interact with a Fanatic, even when they are touring. The Multidimensional ships are of ancient design and constructed by those of superior knowledge. Only the Dark Navigators and to a lesser extent the Readers of the Archaic have a slight understanding of their workings. They are powered by Dictyostelium and propelled by Kuttle Drive.

“The Burning Bush”
oil on canvas

Interdimensional ship Sting plants the Dictyostelium into the virgin planet. In some societies this is seen as a sacred act, in others it is referred to as panspermia.


First Contact
Oil and spray stencil, paint pen on canvas


oil on canvas
24″ X 23.75″

As the Fanatics travelin their Dictyostelium powered ships choices of locations in the multiverse present themselves.


Oil on Canvas


Oil on canvas


Sold & Other Work